May 30, 2017

Quiz: What Type of Tech User Are You?

Are you a Power User or a Cyber Sucker?  
Take Our Quiz to Find Out

Are you a Power User, a Cyber Sucker, or something in between? Take this quiz to find out what type of user you are, and learn a little about internet safety in the process.

If you have any trouble viewing or completing this quiz, please visit: to take the quiz at Quiz Revolution itself. 

You may receive a warning about "Mixed content" if you are viewing vis https.  This is because blogger uses https: protocol, but Quiz Revolution does not. You will not need to give ANY personal information to take the quiz, so the https: protocol is not necessary.

If your browser is set to block mixed content, you may need to visit to take the quiz.  Clicking this link will open the quiz at Quiz Revolution's website, in a new tab or window.

Is it Safe to Take This Quiz?

This quiz is a part of our series on Privacy Issues and Internet Quizzes.  In previous posts, we have discussed the potential dangers of participating in these things, as well as some of the sites to avoid.

As a part of this series, I promised I'd find Bloggers and Quiz Addicts safer sites for Internet Quizzing.  I have found a couple.  This quiz is hosted on one of the sites I will be reviewing in the future. I created this quiz as a part of my research into how to use the site.  So yes, it it safe. This site has NONE of the associated dangers discussed in previous posts.

Where is the Quiz Hosted?

This quiz was created at Quiz Revolution.  I will do a complete review of Quiz Revolution in a future post.  But suffice it to say, their Terms of Service are very straightforward.  They do NOT make money by selling your information.  Rather, they make money off of selling Premium Plans.  They have quite an impressive list of clients.  Their free plans have limited features, but will be adequate for most.  Pricing plans are very reasonable for folks looking for the additional features they offer. Thus, it's a good place to start, knowing you can always upgrade later.

Will I need to Create an Account or Log In to Take This Quiz?

NO. You will not need to log in, social connect, or give ANY personal information when you take this quiz.  Since no information is collected, no information can be misused.  It is also completely safe to share using the buttons on the quiz.  NO personal information will be shared with Quiz Revolution when you use a share button on the quiz.

Why Should I Take This Quiz?

One thing I like about this quiz creator is the ability to add feedback after each question. After you answer a question, you will get immediate feedback as to why you were right or wrong, hopefully learning something along the way.  If you are a reader of this blog, you should do okay. If you have friends who need to be a little savvier, sharing this quiz could be a fun way of helping to educate them.

And if you score 100%, you can brag that you know a little about what you are doing in Cyberspace.  If you score poorly, well, you may want to learn a little more about the risks of the internet before you do too much more.

And hopefully, you'll have a lot of fun while taking this.  AND you can share these quiz results, and the quiz itself with your friends without compromising their information, unlike a lot of those other quiz results you see on timelines.

Do You Like This Quiz?

Did you enjoy this quiz? Would you like to see more of them in the future? Are there certain topics you'd like to see presented in quiz format?  Would you have enjoyed taking the quiz more if there were pictures accompanying the questions?  Did you like the quiz engine itself?  Hit us up in the comments, on Facebook, or on Twitter to give us your feedback.

1 comment:

  1. There's definately a great deal to learn about this subject.

    I like all the points you made.


Thank you for contributing to the discussion! Your feedback is valued! (Unless you are a sunglasses or work at home spammer, in which case, your comment will be promptly deleted. :D) The Mods are reviewing it, to keep those types away! ;)